Don's Olin Rod

Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction.

I received an email from Don telling me he had one of Sam Olin's rods. After a few emails discussing his rod he notified me he had come into the possession of yet a second Olin rod. He suggested I call him to hear how he acquired the second rod.

I called and he explained that his father in-law had given him the rod after he had shown him the rod he already possessed. He also explained that the rod was given to him by a member of the Olin family. I then asked who is your father in-law? When he explained that he was John Bollinger. I said Doctor John Bollinger? He said yes. As it turns out Doctor John Bollinger was our family's doctor and a dear friend of the family for three generations. John had done some back surgery for Everett Olin, Sam Olin's son and my grandfather. Everett gave John one of the prized rods in appreciation. Our family had lost track of the Bollinger's over the years and Sam's rods led us to rediscovering dear dear friends of our family.

The second part is a mystery. Don grew up in the San Fernando Valley as I did. His grandfather did so as well who would have been near in age to Everett Olin, Sam Olin's son. In fact Everett Olin was born in San Fernando. Don inherited his first Olin rod from his grandfather. We can only conclude they must have known each other as young boys. Don Burns' grandfather owned the Olin rod long before he knew the Bollinger family.

Below are photos of Don Burns' Olin rods.