Olin Fly Rods
This web site is dedicated to the recognition of Samuel Geer Olin whom I believe to be one of the nations truly great craftsmen in the art of Bamboo Fly Rod making. While I am not an avid fly fisherman myself I do believe I have the ability to recognize a piece of fine art.I am seeking anyone who may possess an Olin Fly Rod that I may attempt to identify how many are still in existence. If you own an Olin Fly Rod or know someone who does I would very much appreciate an Email to record its existence. Samuel Geer Olin was my great grandfather. After the passing of my grandfather Everett Samuel Olin in 1987, four of Sam's Rods came to me. They are true works of art, and a prized heirloom.
Biography of Samuel G Olin
Ancestry of Samuel G Olin
The Rod Construction
Rod Photo Gallery
Known existing rods
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